Online Dating Blog 30 Dates
Online Dating Advice
Why Online Dating?
We live in a very fast-paced world: everyone is in a hurry to find a job and earn money to spend and start a new circle again … We even learned how to order the necessary groceries online so as not to waste precious time going to the store. How, in such a schedule, can you find an opportunity to get to know a person in order to create a relationship?
When the coronavirus came into our lives, it instantly stopped people’s usual running and made us appreciate simple things that we had not noticed before in a hurry. It taught to appreciate family and loved ones, showed how difficult and painful loneliness can be, and motivated those who did not even think about building relationships, to start looking for soulmates. But at the same time, the coronavirus has taken away opportunities for dating — all the usual places for dating, such as cafes, clubs, cinemas, restaurants, and concert halls have been closed. Online dating has been popular for busy people before, and in the era of the coronavirus, wars, and an unstable situation in the world, online dating sites have become almost the only safe solution for arranging your personal life. But in addition to safety, online dating has a number of advantages:
- About 17% of modern couples met online
The Institute of Brain Research reports that one in six marriages in the world today begins online. And it is expected that this number will only grow in the future. Although statistics for different countries already show amazing trends. American scientists, for example, say that a third of Americans who are married — met online.
- Сouples who meet online get married faster
Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld cites several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, there are more possibilities to choose from. On a dating site, a person can look through many options before starting a dialogue and relationship with someone on the Internet.
Secondly, the abundance of information. In just a couple of minutes of dating chat, you can find out a lot of information about the lady you liked: where she lives and works, what’s her education and plans for the future. Relationships become easier and develop much faster.
- Better compatibility
It’s unexpected, but among couples who met offline, there are more divorces during the first year. The study was conducted by Philip Gergovitch from the University of Vienna and Josue Ortega from the University of Essex. Using data from the National Academy of Sciences from 2013, they found that «online marriages» appear to be stronger. In addition, the researchers emphasized that online dating contributed to a significant increase in the number of interracial marriages.
- Couples happier in relationships
The study was conducted by John Cascioppo and Margaret Blake from the University of Chicago. According to surveys, online couples have stronger marriages and are more satisfied with their partners.
This can be easily explained even by the peculiarities of online dating — anonymous online meetings lead to greater self-disclosure and sympathy, and a stronger friendship between two people. The quality of relationships of partners who meet online may be higher, and relationships last longer.
In addition to official research, we know a lot more features of online dating from personal experience. That is why this blog was created to share the secrets of success and dating advice, talk about the features of dating on different continents, help you to choose the best online dating site, and explain how and why to use matchmaking services and dating chats.
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What Dating Is Like in Countries Around the World?
So you have already made sure that online dating is a brilliant idea and you are even planning to start looking for a beautiful girl to talk with.
But are you ready for the fact that the girl might not be from your country? Most likely, you see the language barrier as the only difficulty in this and are sure that if you can solve the “language issue” through joint efforts, then communication will flow and develop by itself.
Many people are mistaken in believing that in order to have an understanding with representatives of other cultures, it is enough to speak the same language with them. According to Denis Leclerc, who teaches intercultural communication at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona (USA), language knowledge is only 30% of success. The effectiveness of communication depends on a number of factors: the manner of speech, the ability to listen in a conversation, gestures, and, of course, knowledge of the culture, traditions, and nationality of the interlocutor.
That is why our blog has a special «geographical» direction, which will tell in details about the features of dating in different countries and continents. For example, here you may learn how to behave on a date in America, how to talk to a conservative representative of the UK, what to wear for a date in France, what romantic places to visit together in Australia, and you will find a lot more interesting tips and recommendations based on the characteristics of the particular country.
In these articles, you will gain not only general cultural knowledge, but also be able quite realistically «calculate» the approximate costs if you want to visit a specific country because we speak openly and honestly not only about intercultural relations but also about financial costs, which is an important factor when planning a date.
Dating Advice
If knowledge of national features were the only key to success in relationships, then divorce would simply not exist, at least in marriages among representatives of the same nationality. But the difficulty lies in the fact that men and women are completely different, and not only physiologically. «Men are from Mars, women are from Venus», — wrote John Gray in the eponymous book back in 1992. And yes, indeed, men and women react completely differently to the same events and, accordingly, lucky acquaintances can be started only when you will take into account precisely female psychology: what she might like in conversation, what can make her laugh, what will positively impress her.
And no, you do not have to read numerous books on female psychology. All you need to start a lucky relationship is just to follow our blog. A professional team that has already helped to create more than 570 happy couples, can rightfully call themselves cupids and their advice should definitely not be neglected.
Here you can read tips on online dating from A to Z, starting with how to choose the best dating site and what should be in it, how to properly create and post your profile to make it attractive and successful, etc. And ending with advice about the number and color of roses to choose as a gift for a girl and why them.
A separate topic of advice will be recommendations on how to properly use the possibilities of the dating chat. This is an amazing tool that can magically attract your companion to you, or vice versa — become a boring series of messages, if used clumsily. What questions are better to ask in order to enliven communication, to use emoticons in text or not — all these may seem like trifles, but it is from the little things that amazing pictures of relationships are created.
Dating vs Matchmaking
Sometimes even with excellent products, modern technology, and a time-tested recipe book, a beginner will not be able to cook a culinary masterpiece. The same thing can happen in the field of dating, when being a wonderful person, having a reliable website and relying on time-tested advice from experts, you still cannot find your soul mate. It happens rarely, but even this nuance we took into account in our online dating blog.
You can always ask for personal advice or consultation here. Agency managers can become your «personal» cupids, helping you to meet girls according to your wishes and organize your communication in case of mutual interest. So you will be sure that the lady sincerely wants to build a relationship with you, and not just keep up the conversation from courtesy or friendship. And believe me, when matchmaking specialists have 22 years of experience in this field, they will be able to find your soul mate, no matter how far she hides).
While talking in dating chat rooms, it’s important to remember that everyone is an individual with their own thoughts, feelings, and preferences. Here are some tips to help you have a successful conversation:
- Be respectful and polite: Show respect for the person you’re chatting with by being polite and courteous. Use appropriate language, avoid slang, and be mindful of your tone.
- Be genuine and honest: Girls appreciate authenticity, so be honest about yourself and your intentions. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not or make false promises.
- Ask open-ended questions: Asking open-ended questions can help keep the conversation flowing and give the other person a chance to share their thoughts and feelings. Avoid closed-ended questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no.
- Listen actively: Pay attention to what the other person is saying and respond thoughtfully. Avoid interrupting or talking over them, and show that you’re interested in what they have to say.
- Don’t be pushy: It’s important to respect the other person’s boundaries and avoid being pushy or demanding. If they don’t want to talk about something or aren’t interested in pursuing a relationship, respect their decision.
- Be patient: Building a connection takes time, so be patient and don’t expect immediate results. Keep the conversation light and friendly, and let things develop naturally.
Remember, the most important thing is to treat the other person with respect and kindness. By following these tips, you can have a successful conversation and potentially build a meaningful relationship.